Science and Archaeology News Bulletins

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05/19/11: Does Standing Up to Fight Explain Why We Walk Upright and Why Women Like Tall Men?
05/18/11: Bart Ehrman: Half of Paul's Letters are Forgeries
05/17/11: Bulgarian Archaeologists Uncover Sanctuary of Greek Goddess Demeter
05/15/11: Stephen Hawking: 'There is No Heaven; It's a Fairy Story'
05/14/11: Circular Earthen Mound Near Stirling Castle May Hold Key to King Arthur's Round Table
05/14/11: Clovis-Killing Comet Theory Comes Crashing to Earth
05/13/11: Mysterious Ancient Rock Carvings Found Near Nile
05/13/11: On Prehistoric Supercontinent of Pangaea, Latitude and Rain Dictated Where Species Lived
05/12/11: 33,000-Year-Old Toolkit Suggests Russia's Ural Mountains is Neandertals' Last Refuge
05/11/11: Coptic Christian Art Used Grapes Echoing Roman God Bacchus And Portrayed Mary and Jesus as Egyptian Gods, Isis and Horus.

5/11/11: Pottery Fragments Only Date Glastonbury Abbey Back to the Dark Ages
05/09/11: DNA Research Suggests North America Was Populated By Only 70 People or Less 14,000 Years Ago
05/05/11: Infanticide Common in Roman Empire
05/04/11: Heidelberg Man Turns Out to Be Common Ancestor to Humans and Neandertals
05/01/11: Scottish Walls Date Back to 700 B.C.
04/30/11: New Evidence Suggests Ancient Sodom May Have Been Northeast of Dead Sea
04/26/11: Israel Finkelstein: "David's Palace" and "Walls of Solomon" Can Not Be Dated to 10th Century B.C.

04/22/11: Trying to Resolve the Easter Chronology Conundrum
04/18/11: New Theory Suggests Different Date for Easter
04/15/11: Virtual Reconstruction of Nero's Palace Available Online
04/12/11: Priceless King Tut Treasures Returned
04/11/11: Archaeologists Uncover Evidence of a Minoan Presence Among Ancient Canaanites
04/11/11: Cracked: 7 Memes That Went Viral Before The Internet Existed
04/11/11: The 16 Greatest Cities in Human History
04/11/11: Early Christian Lead Codices Now Called Fakes
04/06/11: 360 Gigapixel Images of the Ancient World
04/05/11: Cracked: 6 Mistranslations That Changed The World
04/01/11: Ancient Greek Computer Had Surprising Sun Tracker
04/01/11: What is Beneath the Temple Mount?
03/31/11: Prehistoric Fossil May Have Inspired Beasts From Greek Mythology
03/30/11: Oldest Evidence of Writing in Europe Found in Greece
03/28/11: Cracked: 5 Important People Who Were Screwed Out of History Books
03/25/11: Archaeologists Discover 1.5 Million-Year-Old Tools in India
03/22/11: Study Says Religion May Become Extinct in Nine Nations
03/22/11: Imaging Scans Show King Tut's Grandmother Had a Face Wart
03/19/11: Atheist Theologian Argues God's Wife Asherah Was Edited Out of the Bible (Pictures)

03/15/11: Study Hints Legendary Saints Who Were Buried Alive Were Real
03/11/11: Archaeologists Find Pre-Roman Highway in Britain
03/11/11: Excavations at Banks Chambered Tomb, South Ronaldsay, Orkney
02/27/11: John Dominic Crossan's 'Blasphemous' Portrait of Jesus
02/23/11: Plans to Revisit Site of 17 Roman Altars Along Hadrian's Wall
02/23/11: James Tabor: Pope Pius XII Admitted 'Shimon bar Jonah' Oussuary From Jerusalem Proved Peter's Tomb is in Jerusalem
02/22/11: Bluestones of Stonehenge Definitely Came From Wales, But How?
02/17/11: Priceless Akhenaten Statue Found Near Garbage Bin of Museum It Was Stolen From
02/15/11: Google Earth Reveals Thousands of Tombs in Saudi Desert
02/13/11: Archaeologist Says Arabian Gulf Was Cradle of Civilization
02/11/11: 10,000-Year-Old Stone Carvings Found in Austrailia
02/04/11: James Tabor: The Origin of the Idea That the Alleged Name of Jesus' Father, "Panthera," Is Not A Real Name
02/03/11: Israeli Archaeologists Find 1,500-Year-Old Byzantine Church Southwest of Jerusalem
01/28/11: Canadian Invention Separates Virus DNA From Human DNA
01/26/11: Centuries-Old Cave Reveals Secrets of 100,000-to-200,000-Year-Old Humans
01/25/11: Israel Uncovers 2,000-Year-Old Channel Near Temple Mount
01/25/11: Archaeologists Discover Ancient Pilgrim Road Through Jerusalem's Old City
01/19/11: Genetics Study Suggests Grapes Were Domesticated 8,000 Years Ago
01/19/11: Cracked: The 6 Strangest Ways Anyone Was Ever Mistaken for a God
01/18/11: 6,100-Year-Old Winery Found in Armenian Cave
01/17/11: Police Arrest Tomb Raider Smuggling Caligula Statue
01/14/11: 2,100-Year-Old Greek Coin May Have Marked Eclipse of Jupiter
01/10/11: Earth-Like Planet Discovered in Our Solar System
01/10/11: Study Suggests Longevity Did Not Aid Early Modern Humans
01/09/11: 3,800-Year-Old Tablets From Larsa in Sumer Tell Tale of Ancient Tycoon
01/26/11: James Tabor: Roman Soldier Seducing Mary is "Late, Legendary, and Derivative" But Jesus Faced the Stigma of Not Having a Father
01/03/11: Cretan Tools Point to 130,000-Year-Old Sea Travel
01/03/11: King Tut's Wife's Tomb May Emerge in 2011
01/03/11: Cracked: 6 Supervillains From History That Make The Joker Look Subtle
01/01/11: German Archaeologist Deciphers Roman Amiptheater's Underground Labyrinth
01/01/11: In Search of Herod's Tomb
01/01/11: Herod the Terrible or Herod the Great?


12/29/10: Greek Jar in 'Solomonic' Fortress Dates Site to 600s B.C.
12/29/10: Ancient Roman Spa City Reburied in Turkey
12/29/10: DVD Touted By Glenn Beck Stirs Up Archaeological Spat
12/28/10: 200,000-Year-Old Teeth Found in Israel Cave Casts Doubt on Out of Africa Theory
12/28/10: Q&A: Dead Languages Reveal a Lost World
12/20/10: Life's Ingredients Found in Superhot Meteorites
12/18/10: Syrian Archaeologists Find Unique Oriental and Western Mixture in Temple of Bel
12/17/10: Scientists Drill for Natural History Beneath Dead Sea
12/17/10: Pythagoras Not a Math Genius By Babylonian Standards
12/16/10: 3,000-Year-Old Statuary Fragments Depicting Hapi and Amenhotep III Found at Pharaoh's Funerary Temple
12/14/10: Gales Unearth Roman-Era Statue on Israel's Coast
12/10/10: Sealed Jar of Gypsum Discovered at Qumran
12/09/10: 2,000-Year-Old Holy Thorn Tree of Glastonbury Cut Down
12/09/10: Archaeolgist Says 100,000-Year-Old 'Persian Gulf Oasis' Inundated By Indian Ocean 8,000 Years Ago
12/01/10: Was the Kingdom of David and Solomon A Glorious Empire—Or Just A Little Cow Town?
11/29/10: Crown Suggests Queen Arsinoe II Ruled Ancient Egypt as Female Pharaoh
11/26/10: Changes in Burial Practices in Late First Century Egypt Point to Christian Influence
11/25/10: Science Devises New Method to Sort Dead Sea Scrolls
11/23/10: How Moses Created Thanksgiving: The Biblical Roots of America's Holiday
11/22/10: Ancient Roman Soldier's Bathhouse Found in Jerusalem
11/20/10: James Tabor: German Tombstone of Panthera, "Father of Jesus," Has Semitic Name

11/21/10: Cracked: 5 Famous Scientists Dismissed as Morons in Their Time
11/20/10: Pope Benedict Justifies Use of Condoms For Male Prostitutes
11/17/10: Anti-Matter Atom Trapped for the First Time

11/17/10: Cracked: 5 Minor Screw-ups That Created The Modern World
11/07/10: Ramses III Inscription Found in Saudi Arabia
11/05/10: New Research Reveals King Tut Suffered 'Massive' Chest Injury
11/05/10: Egyptian Burial Site Shows Evidence of Aten Worship
11/04/10: Statue Unearthed in Tomb of Amenhotep III
11/03/10: The Egyptian Book of the Dead Contains a Spell That Turns The Speaker Into a Snake
11/02/10: 3,400-Year-Old Wall Found at Giza Shows Thutmose IV Tried to Preserve Sphinx
10/27/10: Musical Inscriptions Found at Hindu Rock-Cut Cave Temple

10/26/10: Armenian Archeologists Unearth 5,900-Year-Old Skirt
10/25/10: The Fossils That Could Reveal How Man Walked Out of Africa
10/25/10: Fossils Found in Chinese Cave Push Modern Humans Back to 100,000 B.C.
10/20/10: Archaeologist Stephan Huller Argues that Marcus Agrippa Was the "Real Messiah" Jesus Spoke Of
10/20/10: Cracked: 6 Books Everyone (Including Your English Teacher) Got Wrong
10/19/10: Exhibition Shows Sumerian Cuneiform and Egyptian Hieroglyphics Evolved Separately From Each Other
10/19/10: Cracked: 5 Things You Won't Believe Aren't In the Bible
10/15/10: How Middle Eastern Milk Drinkers Conquered Europe 9,000 Years Ago
10/14/10: Scientists Suggest That Cancer is Purely Man-Made
10/13/10: King Herod's Theatre Box at Herodium Excavated
10/12/10: Earliest Traces of a Disabled, Aged Human Found
10/10/10: James Tabor on The 'Jesus Son of Panthera' Traditions

10/10/10: Jericho Unveils Massive Ancient Mosaic
09/09/10: Cracked: 5 Fictional Stories You Were Taught in History Class
09/03/10: J. J. Raymond: Tiberius Julius Abdes Pantera, Father of Jesus?
08/26/10: 64,000-Year-Old Arrows Found in South Africa
08/19/10: Wasps Punish Fake Fighters
08/19/10: Reanimated 'Junk' Is Found to Cause Disease
08/18/10: 'Zombie Ants' Controlled By Parasitic Fungus for 48 Million Years
08/17/10: 'Mitochondrial Eve': Mother of All Humans Lived 200,000 Years Ago
08/15/10: Cracked: 6 Amazingly High-Tech Ancient Weapons
08/13/10: King Tut's Secrets of the Tomb Go Online
08/11/10: Audio: Israel Finkelstein Defends His "Low Chronology" Making David a 10th-Century Bandit Chief
08/11/10: Chunk of Original Earth Found in Canada
08/11/10: Israel Finds Rare 2,200-Year-Old Coin
08/11/10: Research Suggests Humour Stems From Soical Abnormality
08/10/10: Ancient Pictish Carvings in Scotland Used Coded Language
08/10/11: 6,000-Year-Old 'Thunderstones' Found in 1,000-Year_old Viking Graves
08/08/10: Rare 3,500-Year-Old Horned Bracelet Found in Israel
08/08/10: Cracked: 5 Real Historical Death Stars (Complete With Baffling Flaws)
08/07/10: Egyptian Archaeologists Comment on Carbon Dating
08/05/10: Reading the Zip Codes of the Armana Letters
08/04/10: John the Baptist's Bones Discovered?
08/02/10: Extracts of Cyrus Cylinder Found in China
08/02/10: When Did the Nose on the Sphinx Break Off?
07/30/10: Lawrence Boadt, Priest, Publisher and Bible Scholar, Dies at 67
07/28/10: Dig Unearths 5,000-Year-Old Artifact in Sidon
07/28/10: Was Marden Henge the Builder's Yard for Stonehenge?
07/28/10: Lost Sanskrit Manuscript Rediscovered in Italian Library
07/28/10: Cracked: 5 Ridiculous Ancient Beliefs That Turned Out to Be True
07/27/10: New Clues Hint That Dead Sea Scrolls Were Written By Several Groups
07/26/10: 3,600-Year-Old Tablet Discovered in Northern Israel Matches Code of Hammurabi
07/25/10: Excavations Show Prison Under Roman Church Became a Shrine to St. Peter in 600's
07/23/10: Ancient City of Petra Tombs Reveal 61 Burials and Islamic Gold Medallion
07/22/10: Researchers Find 200,000-Year-Old Knives in Cave in Israel
07/22/10: Archaeologists Find Earliest Paintings of Apostles Dating to Late 300s
07/22/10: Stonehenge Twin Shows Monument Was Not Isolated
07/21/10: 6,000-Year-Old Statue Found in Jordanian Desert Burial Cairn
07/21/10: Dionysian Estatic Cults as Early as 500 B.C.
07/21/10: Romanian Cave May Boast Central Europe's Oldest Cave Art (Pictures)

07/20/10: Tests Show Dead Sea Scrolls Were Made Locally
07/20/10: Phoenician Archaeology - A Common Euro-Mediterranean Heritage
07/20/10: Stone Age Carving: Ancient Dildo?
07/20/10: Cracked: 5 World Changing Decisions (Made for Ridiculous Reasons)
07/19/10: Second 4,500-Year-Old Venus Found in Orkney
07/19/10: "Lost" Biblical Languages Being Resurrected by Computers
07/18/10: Second Century Roman Coin Discovered in Bethsaida, Galilee
07/17/10: Archaeologists Find Another 'Lucy' in Ethiopia
07/15/10: Archaeologists Question Eilat Mazar's Claims on Jerusalem Fragment
07/14/10: 18th-Century Ship Found Beneath World Trade Center
07/14/10: Radiocarbon Dating Dates "12th-Century" Ethiopian Gospels Between 300 and 650 A.D.
07/12/10: Archaeologists Find 1,600-Year-Old Synagogue in Rural Galilee
07/12/10: Top 10 Clues to the Real King Arthur
07/11/10: Historians Locate King Arthur's Round Table at Chester
07/11/10: Tiny 3,300-Year-Old Clay Fragment Holds Oldest Writing Found in Jerusalem

07/11/10: Mosaics Documenting History and Civilization of Syria
07/10/10: Earl Doherty Reviews 'Agora' Movie
07/09/10: Bulgarian Archaeologists Preserve Skeleton of '1st European Man'
07/08/10: 4,300-Year-Old Pyramid of Queen Sesheshet Found
07/08/10: Historian Talks About His Work on Collection of Sumerian Texts
07/07/10: First Humans Arrived in Birtain 250,000 Years Earlier Than Thought
07/07/10: Secret Tunnel Unocvered in Tomb of Seti I
07/06/10: Long Lost Michaelangelo Sculpture Found?
07/06/10: Cracked: 6 Things From History Everyone Pictures Incorrectly
07/05/10: Cracked: The 6 Most Gigantic Everything in the History of War
07/03/10: Hyperspectral Analysis Shows Jefferson Changed Word "Subjects" to "Citizens" in Declaration of Independence
07/02/10: Mesopotamia’s Civilization Originated in Armenia
07/02/10: Cracked: 8 Historic Symbols That Mean The Opposite of What You Think
35-Million-Year-Old Primate in Thailand is 3 Million Years Older Than Oldest African Fossil

07/01/10: Cassius Dio Wrote Cleopatra Died Painlessly, Not By Snakebite
06/28/10: Study Says Archimedes Set Roman Ships Afire With Cannons
06/28/10: Sophisticated Amputation Methods Used During Stone Age
06/24/10: 'Dark Sun' is One of Our Nearest Neighbours
06/23/10: Lasers Uncover Oldest Icons of Peter and Paul in Roman Catacombs
06/23/10: New German Study Says King Tut Died of Blood Disorder, not Malaria
06/14/10: 3,000-Year-Old Syrian Lion Statue Bears Witness to Human Civilization
06/14/10: Cracked: 5 Horrible Diseases That Changed The World (For the Better)
06/12/10: Buddha's Skull Unveiled in East China Temple (Pictures)

06/11/10: James Tabor: Has Eilat Mazar Found David's Palace?
06/09/10: Why Were A Million Mummies Buried at Snefu's Seila Pyramid for 600 Years? 06/09/10: 5,500-Year-Old Armenian Shoe Looks Like Irish Shoes From 1950s
06/07/10: Amihai Mazar Unearths Proof Ancient Beekeeping Arts Made Israel the 'Land of Milk and Honey'

06/04/10: How Religion Made Jews Genetically Distinct
06/04/10: Hints of Life on Saturn's Moon
05/30/10: Near-Death Experiences May Be Caused By A Cascade of Electrical Activity in The Dying Brain
05/20/10: Genetic Entrepeneur Craig Venter Creates Synthetic Life Form

05/10/10: Study Reveals Babies Know the Difference Between Good and Evil at 6 Months
05/10/10: 82-Year-Old Indian Yogi Claims to Have Not Eaten Or Drank for 70 Years
05/09/10: 17-Year-Old Stuck in Toddler's Body May Hold Key to Aging (Photo)

05/07/10: Babylon Ruins Torn Between Preservation and Profit
05/06/10: Neandertal Genome Yields Insights Into Human Evolution and Evidence of Interbreeding With Modern Humans
05/05/10: Crete Fortifications Debunk Myth of Peaceful Minoan Society
05/04/10: 2,000-Year-Olds Headless Statue of Ptolemy IV Found in Cleopatra's Temple
04/29/10: Icy Asteroid May Shed L